ERTH 137 and 138 - Introductory Field Geology and Geologic Field Camp
ERTH 137: June 19 - July 11, 2023
ERTH 137 - Introductory Field Geology is a 4.5 unit course offered in second half of summer session 1. The first two weeks in Santa Barbara, and the last few days in the White-Inyo Mountains, near Bishop. This course introduces the student to the tools and techniques for geologic mapping in the field. No previous field mapping experience is required. Techniques covered include: Introductory Field Mapping with Brunton Compass and Tape, Stratigraphic Mapping Sections, Interpretation of Topographic Maps, Geologic Maps, Geologic Cross Sections. The course is offered both in the lab and in the field. Homework assignments are required.
ERTH 138: July 15 - August 2, 2023
ERTH 138 - Geologic Field Camp is a 4.5 unit course with the first two weeks in the field and the last few days in Santa Barbara, writing up your final projects. This course, during summer session 2, requires a previous mapping course (ERTH 137 is acceptable) or consent of the instructor. Geologic Mapping is done at a field camp near Mt. Abel at an elevation of 6200 feet, in the Cuyama Badlands, and the Ridge Basin near Gorman. It is an intense field-mapping course using various geologic surveying tools and techniques learned in ERTH 137.
Interested? Sign up here!
Gain hands on experience in our Summer Field Program!
- Students will learn how to use Brunton compasses, collect data from the field, construct topographical maps, stratigraphic columns, geologic maps, and cross sections, and learn other useful skills necessary for field work.
- Field segments will be in the White-Inyo Mountains and the Cuyama Badlands in a camp-style setting.
- Recommended for any students who have completed at least one geology lab course.
Course |
Days and Times |
Meets |
ERTH 137 – Introductory Field Geology Lab Module: June 19* - June 30, 2023 *class meetings the week of June 19 will be shifted one day due to the Juneteenth holiday on June 19. Classes will meet TU, W, and Sat. 8:30 am - 12:15 pm and TH 8-5 pm |
M, TU, F 8:30 am - 12:15 pm W 8 – 5 pm |
EBS 115 |
ERTH 137 – Introductory Field Geology Field Module: July 5 - 9, 2023. Projects due: July 11 |
Field project at Little Poleta, White-Inyo Mountains, California |
Camp Noren |
ERTH 138 - Geology Field Camp July 15 - 30, 2023 July 31 - Aug. 2, 2023 |
Daily routine: Reveille at 6 am, Breakfast at 6:30 am, Full day of field mapping, Dinner at 7 pm, Evening work until 10 pm Students work on campus, final projects due Aug. 2 |
Camp Condor SBCC
ERTH 137 – The costs for food and transportation is $129 plus enrollment fees for 4.5 units*;
scholarship help is available. Additional costs for the Field Geology text (optional),
colored pencils, pens, field workbooks, calculator, and field boots.
ERTH 138 - The cost for food and transportation is $324 plus enrollment fees for 4.5 units*;
scholarship help is available.
*for CA residents, the enrollment fee is $46/unit; for non CA residents, the enrollment fee is $383/unit
Please contact Bill Dinklage for scholarship forms.
See below for informational materials:
Bill Dinklage - wsdinklage@pipeline.sbcc.edu or (805-730-4114)