Geology Field Courses
Our Offerings

Geologic Field Studies in Death Valley
Geologic Field Seminar of the Colorado Plateau
Geologic Field Studies of the Western Sierra Nevada
Geologic Field Studies - Eastern Sierra Nevada
Geologic Field Studies - Hawaii Volcanology
Introductory Field Geology and Geologic Field Camp
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Pre/Co-Requisite Challenge for Field Courses
In order to register for any field course through Earth and Planetary Sciences, a student must be currently enrolled or have taken one of the following courses: ERTH 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 122, 125, 126, 131, 132, 141, 151 or ENVS 115 or GEOG 101. If you do not fulfill the Pre/Co-Requisite, you can challenge the requirement. To learn more, please read: Pre/Co-Requisite Challenge for Field Courses.
To challenge the Pre/Corequisite Requirement
All students without the pre/corequisite MUST meet with or email Kristen Sneddon (kwsneddon@pipeline.sbcc.edu) to discuss challenging the pre/corequisite and registering for the class. If taking the challenge quiz is the best option, it is encouraged that the student review the Topics of Study packet and meet with a geology tutor in order to be introduced to some essential background material for successful completion of the course. The student should have a basic understanding of (1) Rocks and the Rock Cycle, (2) Plate Tectonics, and (3) Geologic Time. Quiz results will be emailed and an additional meeting scheduled if needed.